How many days will your event be?*
Event Location*
Would you like this event added to the event calendar on the CREC website?*

Event Schedule

Day 1 Date and Start Time*
Day 1 End Time*
Day 2 Date and Start Time*
Day 2 End Time*
Day 3 Date and Start Time *
Day 3 End Time*
Day 4 Date and Start Time*
Day 4 End Time*
Day 5 Date and Start Time *
Day 5 End Time*

Day 1 Requests

Day 1 Requests (Please Check All Your Requests))*
What video conference system will you be using?*
Do you need assistance setting up your video conference link for participants on day 1? *
Do you need assistance setting up your conference phone # for participants on day 1?*

Day 2

Day 2 Preferences*
Day 2 Requests (Please Check All Your Requests)*
What video conference system will you be using on day 2?*
Do you need assistance setting up your video conference link for participants on day 2? *
Do you need assistance setting up your conference phone # for participants on day 2?*

Day 3

Day 3 Preferences*
Day 3 Requests (Please Check All Your Requests)*
What video conference system will you be using on day 3?*
Do you need assistance setting up your video conference link for participants on day 3? *
Do you need assistance setting up your conference phone # for participants on day 3?*

Day 4

Day 4 Preferences*
Day 4 Requests (Please Check All Your Requests)*
What video conference system will you be using on day 4?*
Do you need assistance setting up your video conference link for participants on day 4?*
Do you need assistance setting up your conference phone # for participants on day 4?*

Day 5

Day 5 Preferences*
Day 5 Requests (Please Check All Your Requests)*
What video conference system will you be using on day 5?*
Do you need assistance setting up your video conference link for participants on day 5?*
Do you need assistance setting up your conference phone # for participants on day 5?*

If you are showing a presentation and/or using any other technical services, please schedule a time with our IT department to come in for testing at least 2 business days before the event.  This will reduce tech issues and give our IT department time to troubleshoot any unforseen problems.  Thank you and have a wonderful event!